Robert and Richard:

Robert and Richard were first called "The Pantomimers" by Kev Sutherland at the 2001 Bristol Comics convention. Since then the name has stuck. "The Pantomimers" is is now a short story following the adventures of the duo Stupid Rob and Stupid Rich. You can read the online version or get "The Pantomimers" comic in the goodie bag available at the 2002 Bristol Comics convention.

The title of this mini comic book came from a nickname we were given by Kev Sutherland upon our first meeting. The story in this comic book, which was given out as a limited edition goodie bag item at Comics 2002, centers around two comic book writers/super?heroes on an adventure to save some stationary. I can't remember who these characters are based, nope, it's gone... I wish I wasn't so stupid!

Robert and Richard met at art college. Here are some pictures of them.

Richard Nairn

Robert Martin

The artists as young men

Find out some more about Richard in his illustrated story, Richard: A disaster story. The above was made for Robert by Richard.
© 2002 Pantomime Press